The Attached Counseling Collective on Wordpress


Counseling to heal brokenness and help you relate well with God, yourself and others.

The Attached Counseling Collective is a different kind of counseling practice just launched with a fresh basic brand.



Basic Branding Package



There are many counselors in the Atlanta area focusing on mental health, but few specifically address attachment within a collective of therapists working together. With this differentiator, the framework for the Attached Counseling Collective involved four components: Attachment, Relationship, Collective, and Style. Our goal is to convey, visually, connectedness to others as well as the group of therapists that would make up the practice itself. The icon is an abstract representation of a collection of individuals orbiting one another. Each circle represents a person and their position can signifies the attachment types relative to others on within the collection. For the logo itself, we chose an approachable and creative typeface where the double t’s are connected, paired with a simple san serif for balance. Lastly, and perhaps our most proud feature is that the brand tagline quickly conveys the brand message in two simple words meant to be a declaration: relate well.


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